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Yaquina Press

Newport, OR 97365

Welcome to the homepage of Yaquina Press. If you get a warning that this site is hosted on another URL, that's because it is hosted on Don's site, There's nothing suspicious going on--just multiple webpages hosted on a single server.

This site was started to give tips to authors who were self-publishing at Of course much of the advice is useful to people with other objectives. In addition, it has been some time since I stopped working for Lulu and sent back the copy of Acrobat they provided to me. Thus, it is also true that much of the advice on this site is becoming out of date as time passes. For the time being, I am leaving it here to help those it helps--recognizing that some may find it is now too far removed from current versions of the OSes and current versions of Acrobat.

PDF creation:

Other publishing issues:

Don's books:
The Sports Scholarship Handbook
Living with Linux in a Windows World

Other stuff:
What is a Yaquina?
Handbook Cover

Copyright 2004-2008 Don Campbell
Last edited 08/26/2008